Discover the heartwarming success stories of families who found their perfect companions through our shelter, and see how these joyful adoptions have transformed lives.


 “It was not on my 2024 to do list to adopt a cat but true to form, one bold little kitten grabbed my face with his little toe beans, licked my nose and busted his way into my life. Our fate was sealed. A few short weeks later, this vibrant little boy became the center of my day and the inhabitant of all my thoughts and plans. I had always planned to one day get a pet, but I had pushed it off to one day, when I’m ready, when I can prepare, etc. Someday but not today. Well someday was here. It went from wanting to help find him a good home, to his home is with me. I’m so grateful for this little guy and to the Pet Connection for bringing him into my life. He has so much love to give, I just had to be open to receiving it. “


Harry was known as Eggnog during his time with LPC. He was found as a tiny baby on October 12 2024 at just 3-4 weeks old. Harry spent some time with one of our Neonatal fosters before finding his forever home. His adoption was finalized on November 24 2024.

Curly and Lady

 “We adopted Curly in December 2024 after a very short foster. He is such a sweet boy. He and our alum adopt Lady aka Dottie are buddies. Lady (6 yrs old) is a new dog having him to play with. “


Curly was known as Viggo or Wonka during his time with LPC. He was brought to us from Riverton with the rest of his litter on October 10 2024 and spent time with a few different fosters before being adopted on December 17 2024.

Green Arrow & Thia Queen

 “We adopted Green Arrow on January 17, 2021 as a puppy. He was brought into our home with three older dogs over 10 who had so much to offer him, he learned to play carefully and calmly with all of them. Arrow has taught us so much and brought so much laughter and although he is dog reactive, he has made strides to tolerate others and is a great trail dog.

Fast forward after the loss of two of our dogs, Thia Queen won our hearts on Christmas 2023 when we fostered her. January 2nd she became officially part of our family. She has provided just the right amount of spunk and sweetness to the household that was desperately needed. She has taught Arrow how to rowdy play more appropriate for his age and is his sidekick on the trails.

We love our LPC alumns!! “


Thia was known as Eggnog during her time with LPC. She was transferred from PAWS on December 13 2023. She went into foster with her adopters on December 23 and was officially adopted on January 2 2024.


“I decided to adopt Denali because Cinder (adopted from LPC in 2011) is getting old, and there just wasn’t enough dog poop in our yard. We picked her because she didn’t need a fenced-in yard, she was young but still mature, and was well behaved. She bonded very quickly with my kids. She’d been with ou guys for too long and needed a real home and family. She’s very bright, energetic, careful, and fun.”


Denali was surrendered to LPC on March 19 2024 after her owner passed away. Denali had never been inside of a house before. Denali had a few learning curves but after spending almost 3 months in our care she was officially adopted on June 6 2024!

Matilda & Daphne

“Matilda is truly the light of my life. Her smile is contagious and her happiness is apparent from miles away. She knows all of the tricks and loves to go skiing and climbing. She loves her cat sister Daphne (also from LPC)!”


Matilda was known as Pumpkin during her time with LPC. She was found at the Ft Washakie Dump on September 28 2022. She was officially adopted on October 27 2022.

Daphne was found on N 9th St here in Lander as a stray on November 18 2021. She was officially adopted just 2 days later!


“Kahlua has been amazing! Since we adopted her, she has fit right in with the rest of the family. She loves “chomping” waves. We knew she came from California, so we made a road trip to New York and get her to experience both oceans in her lifetime. She’s been amazing with other dogs and has been able to sniff new places from Casper, Wy to NYC!”


Kahlua was surrendered to us on June 2 2022 after her original owner’s sister could no longer take care of her. She was in pretty rough shape after a severe allergic reaction to food on top of thyroid issues and spent a long time at LPC recovering. She was officially adopted on November 26 2022.

Charlie Barker Clark aka Fluffy Butt

“After a 4 month hospitalization from covid and left needing a lung transplant, age 45, was in need of a therapy dog. He needed someone to help get him through the rough days ahead. When we met Oscar now Charlie Barker Clark, aka Fluffy Butt, he seemed to understand this need and wanted to help. When my husband is having a coughing fit or just struggling, Charlie immediantely comes over to his side and offers his support. He can tell when my husband’s down and comes over and asks for cuddles, which always makes his day. We love the joy and sweetness of Charlie! He actually prefers lovins over treats! He is so tender hearted!!!"


Charlie was known as Oscar during his time with LPC. He joined us from Red Desert Humane Society on September 6 2021. He was adopted and returned once before finding his home. He was officially adopted on June 25 2022.

Paddy & Cocoa

“Paddy and Cocoa are doing great. Cocoa is very outgoing, loves to play with the kids and with her ball in the yard. Paddy is still a little fearful and has yet to explore the house. He has created boundaries for himself indoors but loves to play with his toys in the yard and is the best at snuggles. They both have such goofy personalities and make us laugh everyday!”


Paddy was known as Paddington during his time with LPC. We pulled him from PAWS on October 3 2023. He was officially adopted on October 28 2023.

Cocoa joined us from Laramie Peak Humane Society on September 28 2023. She was also officially adopted on October 28 2023!

Wontono & Lily

“We completed Lily and Wontono’s adoption a week after my dad passed away. They have been perfect companions during the unbelievable amount of grief my family and I have faced since losing my daddy. Both of them love everyone they have met. My mom and nephew have spent two weeks with us while they were visiting from Las Vegas. I think they were more Heartbroken about leaving the house hippos than they were missing us!

Wontono is my two year old daughter’s best friend. He loves to lay next to her when she’s coloring and playing with her dollhouse. Lily is never far away. They love spending time together outside. Neither will leave my daughter’s side when we are outdoors.

Both house hippos absolutely love car rides and playtime at the park. Their best dog friend is a golden retriever named Gimli. Lily and wanton are favorites at our local vet! They also are favorites of our preferred groomers. Lily loves getting her nails painted during her grooming sessions. She is currently sporting red nails from 4th of July shenanigans.

It took a few months, but we finally got them to start playing with dog toys. They love a good game of tug o’ war.

We could not have asked for better companions.


Wontono and Lily were surrendered to us on January 4 2024 after their loving owner developed severe allergies. They both are fluent in arapahoe! Wontono’s name means ears! Both quickly became staff favorites! They spent a majority of their time at LPC snuggling on the couch with almost everyone that came through our doors! Lily and Wontono were officially adopted on February 10 2024!


“Barrett has been enjoying life with his 3 sisters. He enjoys chasing rabbits, relaxing in the shade, hanging out with his goat and turkey friends, snoozing on the couch, playing with the cat, and requests multiple belly rub sessions a day.

Barrett has adjusted well to his new environment; he loves a good walk on a cool evening but is most happy sitting on the couch watching TV.”


Barrett was known as Cliff during his time with LPC. He was an owner surrender from here in Lander on June 6 2024. He found his family June 19 and was officially adopted June 25 2024.


“Rupert has been doing great! He’s been paddle boarding,going on trips to the mountains, learning how to walk on a leash and many tricks which includes ringing a door bell when he is ready to come into the house! He loves playing with all his toys, chewing bones, going for car rides, paddle boarding, and meeting new friends! Overall, he’s been an amazing member of the family and can’t wait for many more years to come!”


Rupert was known as Mickey during his time with LPC. He was transferred from PAWS on February 27 2024. He spent some time with a few fosters before being officially adopted on May 1 2024.

Oliver Fitz & Fern Olympia

Oliver came into the shelter with his momma and 3 siblings February 18 2022. I fell in love with him instantly. He plopped his little fluffy butt right in my lap and did not get up. I took him home the next day and he has not left my side since. Oliver was my first dog on my own and he has been there for me more times than I care to admit. He is the most attentive/emotionally intelligent dog I have ever met. I have fostered everything from day old kittens to injured dogs older than him and Oliver has mothered every single one.

He truly is my heart dog and finding him was so incredibly life changing.

We scooped Fern up from PAWS after a tribal spay and neuter clinic on November 4 2023. I was not working that weekend but when I saw her that following Tuesday I knew Oliver had a new sister. The morning after she came home she tested positive for Parvo. I spent the next two weeks giving her IV fluids every 8 hours. We had a very intense treatment plan that included small, frequent, home cooked meals (she’s a fancy lady). She improved miraculously fast but was still confined in her quarantine (my little bathroom) until we got a negative test. She was cleared within the month. Her personality blossomed and she became glued to Oliver’s side 24/7. According to her DNA test she is 50.3% German Shepherd, 27.2% Australian Cattle Dog, 15.4% Border Collie, 7.1% McNab.

Now I have two shadows that are by my side constantly (I mean can’t be more than 5 ft from me constantly). They say dogs take after their owners, but I think they each represent a part of me. Oliver is my sweet, caring, grouchy old man and Fern is my crazy impulsive free spirit. Now they spend their time romping around on hikes with their furry best friend Mooska, Paddle boarding, backpacking, and going on our crazy car camping adventures.


Alex-Animal Care Manager